

Pregnancy and hair, how to defend it after birth.

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Pregnancy and hair, how to defend it after birth.

Guarda il video e scopri come aiutare i capelli dopo la gravidanza

Regenerative mechanisms for the hair bulb: give your hair a new lease of life

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Regenerative mechanisms for the hair bulb: give your hair a new lease of life

The discovery by some Texan researchers of the involvement of the KROX20 protein in the formation of hair in some rodents is further confirmation of the efficacy of Bio-Stimulation, PRP and Cell Therapy. Investigating the cellular mechanisms that underlie the life of the hair bulb is certainly the right way to stimulate hair regrowth. And, … Continued

For skin and hair, spring is the right time to “put them on a diet”!

Cura dei capelli /

For skin and hair, spring is the right time to “put them on a diet”!

Spring sees a change in the balance between light and dark during the day. This is a change capable of affecting hormonal balance. One of the consequences is the fact that, precisely in spring, hair loss intensifies compared to other times of the year. We need not worry about this, as it is not only … Continued

Strong and shiny hair? A question of bacterial flora.

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Strong and shiny hair? A question of bacterial flora.

Beauty starts with health. This has been demonstrated by various studies and, in particular, the Human Microbiome Advanced Project: the first Italian multidisciplinary research project, promoted by Giuliani, specialising in studying the microbiome of the skin and scalp. The aim? To provide healthy people and those who already have disorders with useful information in order … Continued